Unconscious Letters


If consciousness is not at the origin of language then the meaning we reproduce is not intentional. Gertrude Stein’s experimentation with the ‘stream of consciousness’ mode of writing demonstrates this concept. By refusing to follow the rules of structure and grammar, she frees herself to create new meaning with her poetry.

This series explores generative art to allow an outside force to dictate language – here presented through the use of typography. It specifically allows the voice of Stein to set the dimensions and visibility of the letters in every composition. Type is employed to portray the textual language used to visualize Stein’s word portraits of Picasso, Matisse, and Georges Hugnet. The audio responsive type maps the repetition of her words. According to Stein, as the physical act of repeating a word aloud can alter its meaning, the textual repetition of words and concepts can change their implications and expand their significance. The abstract patterns of her words are reflected through the final composition of overlapping forms.

Installation, Typography, Creative Coding, Generative Art

  • Software: Processing + Minim DDF Library
    Hardware: Version 1.0 iPad, Version 2.0 TV + Headphones
    Committee Chair: Carol LaFayette
    Audio: Penn Sound

    Opening the Black Box, Stark Gallery, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 2021
    The Next Big Thing 2020, Studio Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA, 2020
    Vizion, Web-Based, 2020
    First Friday Art Walk, COA North, Bryan, TX, 2019

    The Next Big Thing 2020, Third Place, Studio Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA, 2020



